Week 7 A

 This week we were tasked with our new assignment. We have to create an editorial illustration based on one of three articles we can choose from. After reading the articles I immediately gravitated towards "Please let me terrify some kids on Halloween". This fits right into my interests as I am a huge fan of Halloween and horror. I already have some ideas for my illustration. I want to try to capture the essence of the article and Halloween itself. After reading that editorial illustrations are often political cartoons, I got excited. I am a fan of political cartoons and I will definitely try to incorporate some satire within my illustration. I am thinking about incorporating covid into my piece as the new scare this year for children. Gone are the days of children being scared of traditional monsters because unfortunately Covid has taken their place. I want to try to satirically include this even though its a very serious situation, but that's what satire is all about right? I have some other ideas that include mask wearing as well. I thought about illustrating three traditional monsters, Frankenstein, Dracula, and the Invisible man. The catch is that they are all wearing masks of what their face should resemble. I also thought about adding some satire to them by maybe having their masks switched up, so Frankenstein has Dracula's face mask for example. I am excited to see what I can do for this project. 


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