
Showing posts from October, 2020

Week 10 A

  For this week we have to create an animated gif. We can choose any topic we want and since it's Halloween season, I have decided to turn a portion of my latest illustration into an animated gif. found below you can see my progress so far. Basically I took the soul ball and animated it by having ghosts or soul floating up towards the top of the flaming soul ball/orb. Ever since I was illustrating this, I always imagined it being animates. Now I can make that a reality. 

Week9 A

 Progress update  This is going to be a progress update on where I am so far with my illustration. After some more consideration and feedback I have decided to illustrate the skull holding the soul ball for my final design. The feedback I had originally received from my thumbnail sketches told me that I could play around with some effects for the "soul" aspect of the illustration. I took this into consideration and brought this back into my more detailed concept sketches. This time I had also created a slightly different version of this idea. Instead of the snow globe, there is a skeleton holding a "soul" ball filled with the ghosts of past trick or treaters. For this idea, I wanted to illustrate the spookiness of Halloween and to illustrate the main goal of the man in the article which was to scare children. The feedback I received from the concept sketches was mixed between the Frankenstein and the soul ball illustration. After playing around in procreate testing

Week 8 A

 Based on the feedback I received from my peers, I have created  more defined sketches to further illustrate my ideas. Included here is the feedback I received and my new concept sketches. From the feedback I received I was told that my Frankenstein illustration, the Halloween snow globe illustration, the Scarecrow grabbing kids, and the ghoul falling from the tree sketch were the most effective. I have decided to go further with the Frankenstein and the Halloween snow globe idea as they are my personal favorites. I made some changes with Frankenstein based on the feedback. I incorporated the face mask with his accurate face instead of a plain mask. I am still not sure if I should include the face or just to have the traditional stark blue mask. My goal is to illustrate this in the style of a political cartoon, which means it should be satirical. I am not sure if the sign is satirical enough or if I should keep playing around with that part. My next favorite idea is the Halloween snow

Week 7 B

 I have drawn out all of my sketches and they can be found below for feedback. They are all bigger than thumbnail size, but that's because I have a hard time drawing a whole scene in a small area. My personal favorites are the ones that are satirical, rather than the ones that focus more on the scary part of Halloween. I will label them accordingly. Illustrating the scene from the article that the man wanted to do to terrify the kids (dropping the life sized ghoul from the tree) A comic strip illustration that illustrates traditional scares from Halloween and scares that were mentioned in the article. A creepy ghoul that is grabbing a Halloween snow globe with souls of children flying around. I wanted to illustrate the overall theme of the article which was to terrify children, so I drew a child being terrified by creepy eyes Similar to the concept of the last sketch, but I wanted to incorporate text into this one and make it more detailed. I was thinking about having his face be h

Week 7 A

 This week we were tasked with our new assignment. We have to create an editorial illustration based on one of three articles we can choose from. After reading the articles I immediately gravitated towards "Please let me terrify some kids on Halloween". This fits right into my interests as I am a huge fan of Halloween and horror. I already have some ideas for my illustration. I want to try to capture the essence of the article and Halloween itself. After reading that editorial illustrations are often political cartoons, I got excited. I am a fan of political cartoons and I will definitely try to incorporate some satire within my illustration. I am thinking about incorporating covid into my piece as the new scare this year for children. Gone are the days of children being scared of traditional monsters because unfortunately Covid has taken their place. I want to try to satirically include this even though its a very serious situation, but that's what satire is all about ri

Week 6 B

 The main assignment for this week was to draw 100 hands using a tablet device. I was using procreate on the I-pad. As a first time user of both Procreate and the I-pad, this was an interesting experience. At first I did not know how to  use procreate, but then I started to get the hang of it. It is similar top illustrator, just without all the extra bells and whistles. For this exercise I decided to draw cartoon hands because that is the style I feel most comfortable with and want to further my skills in. The tutorial that was given to draw cartoon hands was very useful and I tried to go off of that as best I could. I also found some other tutorials on different style cartoon hands. You can view some of them from the following links.  This was overall a difficult task to complete because I never really had any experience drawing hands or anything with a pen before. I am used to the pen tool in illustrator and not so much free hand. Saying that, this exercise was still a great experien