
Week 16

 This week our final illustrations/gifs are due. After a lot of stress and hard work I have finished my creatures. I have made improvements from the last check point which I think are for the better. I took the feedback and tried to implement the shading aspect for detail and realism, but I'm not so sure I 100% got it right. I struggle with illustration and shading is a whole other problem for me. I tried my best to shade areas with darker colors, but again I don't know if I completely did it right. None the less, I am happy and content with what I produced. I never though I could draw something like this and I can't wait to keep practicing at it. Drawing is the one thing I wish I could excel at, but for now I got to keep practicing. Below are my final products.   

Week 9 B

 Final project UPDATED SUBMISSION  To reiterate my thought process for this project, I wanted to do something more abstract instead of a more literal connection to the article. I wanted to illustrate the overall motive and goal of the man in the article. His whole goal year after year is to get the chance to scare some kids on Halloween. I wanted to illustrate his goal finally becoming a reality by illustrating a spooky skeleton hand holding the souls of the trick or treaters he finally scared straight. One last minute change I made was to add masks to the ghosts to add another connection to the article and that this year if Halloween isn't canceled, most kids will probably be wearing some kind of mask under their costume.      This project was a fun experiment for me. This was the first time I had done a project in procreate and it definitely won't be the last. Procreate is an amazing program with so many options for brushes which is what allowed me to experiment with this pro

Week 15

 This week 90% of our mythical creatures are due. I have completed all the main illustrating and started on some of the animation parts. I have completed the main camo transition for the camo illustration and the enhanced bite animation for the enhanced bite illustration. This time around the animating was more difficult. I would assume this is the case because my illustration is more involved and more realistic than the ghost ball gif. Difficult or not, I am still working hard and I already have a solid plan for the last illustration animation. I plan on having the Naga throwing the trident at the Garuda. There is still room for improvement and each will have additional parts to them that will surely get competed by next weeks due date for the final. below is my progress.  

Week 13

 The week we had to create redefined bigger sketches for our mythical creature. Below I have created three variations of my Naga character. Since I have trouble drawing I found this useful tutorial on how to draw a Naga step by step. I'll have that linked below. 

Week 12 A

 Sketches Here are my sketches for the monster/mythical creature project. After some clarification on the project requirements, I decided to broaden up my ideas and sketch out numerous kinds of monsters. Instead of doing all Naga sketches, I branches out with the Wendigo, vampires, sharks, and a weird hybrid spider/man monster. I am still inclined to do the Naga, but I wanted to get some other ideas I had out there and see what they might look like. Because my drawing skills for humanoid beings isn't great, the sketches aren't the highest quality. When I choose the three I want to progress further, they will be more detailed and better drawn. I wanted to take this time to get out as many ideas as I can. 

Week 11 B

After considering my choices I have decided to go with the half serpent half human creature. I decided on this creature because I love the ocean and how ambiguous it is. Who knows, maybe a creature like this does exists and we just don know it yet. Highly unlikely, but you never know. I have done some research on mythical serpent creatures and have decided to make mine based of of the Naga. The Naga is takes many forms depending on who you ask. I am focusing on making it half human half serpent. The main website I looked to gain information on this creature is,Garuda%20and%20the%20snake%20charmer. This website contained a bunch of information including various powers, enemies, and basic information on what a Naga is. I don't want to take everything from this website and include it into my illustration because I want to make it my own. So in order to do that I will remove, add and manipulate some o

Week 11 A

 This week we were given our last assignment which is to either create a children's story book or to create a mythical/monster illustration. Right of the bat I know I am doing the mythical/monster illustration because that falls into my interests more than a children's book. Another reason is because part of the assignment is to animate it and that is what I am most interested in. My initial ideas for my mythical beast are as follows: Vampire Werewolf Minotaur Serpent Giant snake Centaur Right now I want to narrow down my ideas and begin researching on the creature I want to create. I do not know what I want to do yet, but my first though was a snake like serpent creature that is half human half serpent. Almost like a Naga, but slightly different. here is picture illustrating what a Naga is. I would like to incorporate the human aspect to it as well to give it that mythical creature aspect to it.